If you’re an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) user like me, you’re probably familiar with or at least have heard of an identd service. IdentD is simply a service that, when accessed on port 113 of a computer, returns a simple string that identifies you as a user. If you were to watch the traffic you’d see something like this
1234,6578 : USERID : UNIX : itsmemario
Most OSX IRC clients don’t support this feature, and very few (if any) IRC servers require it any more. For those who needed this in the past, there was Identd for Mac. Which created a simple and functional icon in MacOS:
However in OSX Yosemite IdentD for Mac stopped working. The original author, Gallerand Sebastien, stepped up and made a new version. I’ve translated (as best as I could) his article and made a copy of his code here. So far it works great.
For those using the old IdentD
If you had previously installed identd, remove the old version:
# Clean Up !!! sudo killall identd sudo rm -R /Library/StartupItems/IdentD sudo rm -R /Library/PreferencePanes/IdentD.prefPane sudo rm -R /usr/local/identd
Now you’re ready to set up the new IdentD as a service.
Download, extract and set up IdentD
2- Extract it to the desktop and you get a folder named identd.
Now the fun part.. installing stuff!
3- These commands will copy identd to the proper location and start it up
# Prepare sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/identd sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/identd # Install cd ~/Desktop/identd/ sudo cp ./identd /usr/local/identd/ sudo cp ./identd.conf /usr/local/identd/ sudo cp ./org.macmax.identd.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons/ sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/identd/identd sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/identd/identd sudo chown root:wheel /usr/local/identd/identd.conf sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/identd/identd.conf sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macmax.identd.plist sudo chmod 644 /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macmax.identd.plist # Load & Start sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/org.macmax.identd.plist # identd will start on boot up now.
4- Now test to see if identd is running
# Try : ps aux | grep identd | grep root # should report a process belonging to root # root 1393 0.0 0.0 861896 7012 ?? Ss Sat07PM 0:01.79 /usr/local/identd/identd
5- Now let’s send a test ident call to the service
# type this at your terminal prompt : telnet codethought.com 113
Which should return something like this:
Trying ::1... Connected to codethought.com. Escape character is '^]'. _
You can enter something like this:
# Type the following and press Enter : 1234,5678
If all went well you’ll be greeted with this response, and you’re good to go!
1234,5678 : USERID : UNIX : JohnDoe Connection closed by foreign host.
Customizing the User name
Let’s say you want a name other than JohnDoe.. NO problem.. the following lines would take care of that nicely
# Change name to YourNameHere sudo sh -c "echo 1:YourNameHere > /usr/local/identd/identd.conf" sudo launchctl stop org.macmax.identd
And you’re done!
Have you had any luck compiling the identd app as a 64 bit app so that it can continue to be usable once Apple ends 32 bit app support in MacOS 10.15?
Hi Jeff
I can’t even find the source any more. If you can help me track it back down I can probably get it working in 64-bit.
macmax.org seems to be gone and the identd app is 32 bit.
Will the requirement that all MacOS Apps be 64 bit bring an end to the use of identd?
Any idea for identd 64-bit for macOS 10.15.0 ?
Given that the code for this appears to be long gone I will probably have to resort to writing something new that will do what we need. But that’s in addition to everything else I have to do in any given day.. My initial tinkering seems to show it would be a pretty straightforward application to write in Swift.
If I’m able to do it, I’ll share it here… 🙂