by David Orriss Jr | Aug 11, 2015 | Java
While running builds I noticed the following warning from Maven.. XMLGregorianCalendarImpl is internal proprietary API and may be removed in a future release Rightfully so if you’re not using the correct convention for this.. type.setDate(new...
by David Orriss Jr | Nov 25, 2014 | Java, Mac OS X
Thanks to I found a neat trick to make it easy to list your installed Java versions and switch between them. Just add these to your .bashrc file: # # # alias java_ls='/usr/libexec/java_home -V 2>&1 | grep -E "\d.\d.\d[,_]" | cut -d...
by David Orriss Jr | Jul 22, 2012 | Java, Programming
Today I’m going to go ‘back to basics’ a bit and talk about string manipulation in Java. In particular, let’s talk about reversing a string. Something that is taught in every 100-level computer science class. The premise is simple enough. Take...
by David Orriss Jr | Jun 10, 2012 | Mac OS X, Programming, Ruby
While tinkering with Ruby 1.9 in TextMate I found that Ruby was segfaulting on the TextMate Ruby Bundle output screen. /Users/codethought/Applications/ [BUG] Segmentation...
by David Orriss Jr | Nov 23, 2011 | Grails, Groovy Language, J2EE, Java, Rails
Grails is an open-source, rapid web application development framework that provides a super-productive full-stack programming model based on the Groovy scripting language and built on top of Spring, Hibernate, and other standard Java frameworks. At least that’s...
by David Orriss Jr | Nov 27, 2010 | Mac OS X, Programming
A subject that has been visited plenty of times is having an “Open Terminal Here” ability from the Finder. For developers, it’s a easy way to look at files or folders and then jump quickly to a shell for the folder and execute shell commands (like mv...